Spring & Summer bookings OPEN!!!
Hoooorrray! I am reopening my bookings for Spring/Summer 2021. What a year it has been…..can you believe it has almost been a WHOLE YEAR since we first got locked down. I can’t!!! So much has happened in that year even though none of us have been anywhere.
My business has survived 3 lockdowns and I am SO ready to photograph lots of families this spring and summer. I will be starting work on the 1st April 2021 but my diary is NOW OPEN!!! So if you would like a spring or summer shoot please DM or email me and I can book you in. (Everyone who has messaged already, you are definitely booked in don’t worry!)
I am taking bookings up to September for now. It will get busy so even if you’re thinking of a summer shoot please do try book in a date as soon as possible.
The whole year since we got locked down has been a funny one hasn’t it? Last month I created an album of all our memories from the lockdowns and it made me really smile. Even though it has been the hardest year ever, we have had so many amazing times just doing the simple things. My children have missed out on so much yet gained so much at the same time. But we are so ready to fill our home with our friends and family again and to create new adventures.
The main plus side to lockdown for me is that since August I have also been training to become a Foot Health Practitioner which some of you will already know. I would not have had the opportunity to do this if it wasn’t for lockdown! I finally finished all my assignments and my final last week which was such a relief!!! I have a weeks practical to complete once the college opens back up and then I will be running two business’s alongside each other.
Lots of people have asked if I am stopping my photography and I ABSOLUTELY AM NOT!!! I love my work and always will do. I have been a photographer for 12 years now and I am so proud of where my business got too. But like all of us the lockdowns got me thinking and eventually I would like to do my photography mainly in the spring and summer months. Thats when I enjoy it most and the light in spring and summer just suits my style of my work. Thats when I love my work the most.
My Foot Health work will run alongside it and take a step up in the winter months. Eventually I would like to train to be a reflexologist too but that is a big commitment as it is a huge course and will have to wait until both my children are in school so I can have the time to continue my photography, foot health and train. There are so many exciting plans I have for it!
Lots of you may say why Foot Health and Reflexology?? My Mum has been trained in both for years now and so I have always had an interest- now I have finally taken the plunge. I have really enjoyed the training and can’t wait to get started on clients once my training is complete.
Follow @castleyhealthfootpractitioners on Instagram to see what I am up too!
My photography will ALWAYS remain my priority though and will continue too for many more years. I am so lucky to have a job I love and l really will love my photography forever.
This lockdown has definitely been the hardest. Trying to home school with a toddler has been interesting and a little crazy most (EVERY!!!!) day. But we have survived!!! Thank goodness for childcare bubbles with Grandparents as there is no way I could have done it by myself with my husband working longs hours. My parents saved us!!!!
I have just missed my friends SO much this time. I just want to have them around me now and even though we all speak every day (it drives my husband mad!) I just want them here in my home with me. Or to be sat in their houses having a big fat meal in our pjs laughing until we cry. I am REALLY missing this. My friends are a big part of me and that has been the hardest thing this time. It feels like a long time since we have done this. Same goes for Frank and Florence. They just miss people. Not long now. Part of me feels sad we won’t be a constant team of three next week. Part of me feels over the moon!!!! ( You know you all feel the same!!!)
We have all done so well, no matter what your circumstances this hasn’t been easy for anyone. We need to spend the rest of this year with our loved ones just enjoying each other. It is the small things that are the most important….
Remember to book for spring/ summer shoots 2021 Direct message or email me. Yey!!!!
Lots of Love,
Helen x