Newborn Photography Harrogate
This blog post is a little late as I have been a little busy with my own baby but a few weeks ago I did some newborn photography in Harrogate. Little William was born one week after Florence. His Mummy & I are very old friends so Florence automatically gained a friend for life (and hopefully a future boyfriend but Will’s Daddy doesn’t seem to keen on the idea of a mini me in his family- RUDE!)
William is just adorable. He has lots of black spiky hair and looks just like his sister did as a newborn. His older sister Ellie came along for the photo shoot along with Florence too. Each time a baby cried Ellie would rush to their side and tell us ‘baby’ to let us know they needed soothing. A little Mummy in the making. I know William will be well looked after with Ellie around!