Spring is on its way! This time of year is defiantly my favourite, the days are starting to get longer, the gardens are coming back to life, you can begin to feel warmth on your skin & the children can start to be outside for longer and start running on the grass with no shoes on their little feet again! This time of year is magical. The light is also beautiful in spring- perfect for family & children location photo shoots.

Over the last two months I have had lots of time catching up on behind the scenes work I do on my business that my clients never see. I have also had a busy time meeting new wedding clients & taking lots of lovely bookings for the spring & summer. Oh & of course I have also been spending lots of time in cute little cafes catching up with friends having lots of lovely lunches as I know when March comes my free time is much more limited & lunches out a few times a week will start to get questioned by my Fiancé 🙂

The natural light is beautiful in spring- perfect for family & children location photo shoots. I can’t wait to photograph some of the lovely families I have booked in, some are families who return every year or two, the others are lovely new families & children I can’t wait to meet & get to know.

If you would like to book your spring children’s & family location photo shoot please get in touch- don’t leave it too late! I take bookings 6 months in advance for lifestyle photo shoots so don’t leave it to late & be left disappointed.

I can’t wait to meet you all & capture your family & children’s memories once you have booked your spring lifestyle photo shoots!

Love, H x

childrens photo shoot harrogate valley gardens